Sunday, April 26, 2009

My new blog

I have a new blog about adding solar to my house one step at a time:

Some day I will be off the grid or at least have some cool solar toys.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Kayla's Solo

Kayla's preschool was having their Christmas concert this week and we were very excited because we know how much she enjoys singing. We got an even bigger surprise when the day before the concert a note came home letting us know that she would have a solo at the concert.

Here she is performing Let there be Peace on Earth.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Internet stores

More testing for blogs and internet stores. There are several places that let you make your own stores. I have set up some on CafePress, Zlio and now AStores on Amazon.

So far I haven't made anything on any of them. It hasn't cost me anything either. The main thing I think I am missing is the fact that no one will see them as no one knows about them.

Part of the reason for this post is to have another page link to them to give them a chance to show up in the search engines. We'll see if this has any effect.

Here are my stores:

Well let's see what happens.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Test Video post

A little twinkle twinkle.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Bobbie was sweating up a storm after doing her yoga stretches.

This is another quick post to show Bobbie how easy it is to add to a BLOG.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

First Post

This is a quick test of my first blog. Nothing of interest to write. I just wanted to try it out.